Microlearning project about Scarcity and Abundance mindset created with 7taps App
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Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset with 7Taps

Are you aware of your current mindset? Our mindset is the core of our belief system, attitude, and daily self-talk that can make or break our journey to success.

Most people are not aware with their current state of mind. I wasn't either. Until I quit my job and determined that I want to do what I love and inspire people with my work. I was pessimistic, however, I wanted to feel positive and bring happy energy to others. My own research had lead me to create this project with 7Taps. Please enjoy the demo!

The course is optimised for mobile experience.

Microlearning project about Scarcity and Abundance mindset created with 7taps AppAre you aware of your current mindset? Our mindset is the core of our belief system, attitude, and daily self-talk that can make or break our journey to success.Are you aware of your current mindset? Our mindset is the core of our belief system, attitude, and daily self-talk that can make or break our journey to success.Are you aware of your current mindset? Our mindset is the core of our belief system, attitude, and daily self-talk that can make or break our journey to success.

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